George Kalchev
Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.
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+ Training with local teams + Rich cultural program

The coaches who participate in the camps have medalled in the Olympic Games as well as the World and European Championships. Upon your request, international dual meets can be arranged with best clubs. To date, the camp has organized national team participants from USA, France, Germany, United Arab Emirates, South Africa, China, Macedonia and many other club teams from Turkey, Italy, Greece, Ukraine, Norway, Russia, Switzerland, Hungary, Crete, Romania,Slovakia and more…
Celebrities about George Camps
“Bulgaria is the country where my star shined for the first time. But only with the George Cup Tour I discovered the beauty of this country and I admired the hospitability of the people and the strength of the Bulgarian wrestlers.”
– Zeke Jones, World gold medalist, and Olympic Vice Champion
“George Wrestling tours has the perfect balance between the sport and culture. The Organization was perfect! This is a great experience for young wrestlers.
Good work George!!!”
– Brandon Slay, Olympic Champion – 2 times on George Camps
“The most valuable thing about George Cup Tours is the way these camps succeed to combine the sport and cultural program. This makes the tour incredibly interesting and pleasant, as well as very efficient for the young wrestlers. Till now hundreds of American wrestlers had visited Bulgaria and Europe with the programs of George Sport Tour and now keep their precious memories from there..”
– Bob Skelton – Head Coach Division III-USA
“It was a great trip and I appreciate all the work George and his staff put in. I enjoyed going to the beach, beautiful women, learning a lot of technique from the Bulgarian wrestlers”
– Jeff Bouyea (18 years old) Western New England College, Massachusetts: