The coaches who participate in the camps have medalled in the Olympic Games as well as the World and European Championships. Upon your request, international dual meets can be arranged with best clubs. To date, the camp has organized national team participants from USA, France, Germany, United Arab Emirates, South Africa, China, Macedonia and many other club teams from Turkey, Italy, Greece, Ukraine, Norway, Russia, Switzerland, Hungary, Crete, Romania,Slovakia and more…

European Wrestling Tours

Best international wrestling & cultural exchange

Official partner of UWW Europe and Bulgarian Wrestling Federation

2001 Ron Tirpak, Bob Skelton, Steve Laidacker, Tim Fader, Matt Cox in Greece

Ron Tirpak, Bob Skelton, Steve Laidacker, Tim Fader, Matt Cox in Greece

2002 Ron Tirpak, Bob Skelton, Frank, Jerry, Matt Cox ,Steve Laidacker, Tim Fader

with Ron Tirpak, Bob Skelton, Frank, Jerry, Matt Cox ,Steve Laidacker & Tim Fader

2003 US Team with Brandon Slay

US Team with Brandon Slay

2003 Brazllian man nationals and UAE nationals juniors in Bulgaria

Brazllian man nationals and UAE nationals juniors wrestling camps in Bulgaria